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Confused about nutrition? Let’s make it simple!

Unlike most of the new food trends and diets that keep popping up, The Australian Dietary Guidelines are backed by a tonne of evidence and scientific research. They provide information on the type and amount of foods we should eat to establish and maintain good health.

These guidelines support:

  1. Eating a wide variety of nutritious foods from the five food groups:

  • Vegetables – lots and of different colours

  • Fruit

  • Wholegrain breads and cereals

  • Lean protein

  • Low fat dairy or alternatives

  1. Limiting foods which contain saturated fat, added sugar, added salt and alcohol.

A simple way of achieving this dietary pattern is to think about the portions you put on your plate. When sitting down to a meal at lunch or dinner, try to achieve a plate or portions that is composed as follows:

  • ½ vegetables (mix it up and eat a variety of vegetables every day).

  • ¼ lean protein (eggs, lean beef/lamb/pork/chicken, seafood, legumes/nuts).

  • ¼ wholegrain carbohydrates (multigrain bread, wholegrain pasta, brown rice, quinoa) or starchy vegetables (sweet potato, pumpkin, potato, corn).

Then snack on fruit and low-fat dairy (yoghurt and cheese) options for morning tea and afternoon tea and/or include these options at breaky along with some wholegrain breads/cereals and/or lean protein sources.

I can hear you all asking….yes, but where does cake or wine and cheese fit in?! Well don’t worry, you can still indulge from time to time. These “treats” are a part of life and a part of normal healthy eating. The key is moderation. Keep these foods as “sometimes foods” and let yourself really enjoy them when you have them.

Following this simple eating pattern will have you meeting your recommended daily requirements and ensure your body is getting all the minerals, vitamins and fibre it needs to stay fit and fab!!

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